Eye Disease Management

Eye Disease Management FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions About Eye Disease Management

Eye diseases can vary greatly in their nature and severity, from acute but passing infections to progressive, irreversible conditions. The more you know about eye diseases and their management, the better — and here at Austin Vision Center, we can share our advanced knowledge with you while also providing the state-of-the-art care your eyes need. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about eye disease management at our optometry clinic.

How do you detect eye diseases?

Since many eye diseases aren’t evident to the patient until they reach an advanced stage, we administer comprehensive eye exams to check for a variety of common eye problems. These may include slit-lamp testing to check for cataracts, eye pressure testing to catch glaucoma, and retinal examinations to look for diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.

What treatments can you provide for conjunctivitis?

Treatment for conjunctivitis (the acute inflammation is otherwise known as “pinkeye”) depends on its cause. We can prescribe antibiotics for bacterial conjunctivitis, while viral conjunctivitis may respond to some certain anti-viral drugs. Allergic conjunctivitis is best treated by avoiding the allergen responsible. In the meantime, we can recommend various soothing home remedies to help you feel better.

Why is dry eye, and why does it require treatment?

Dry eye is a condition that occurs when your tear film isn’t adequate for hydrating and protecting your eyes. It can lead to corneal scarring and recurring eye infections if left untreated. We can isolate its causes and recommend the appropriate eye drops, lifestyle/medication changes and other treatments to control it.

What can I do about cataracts?

Most cataracts are a natural part of aging, but they can also be caused or accelerated by steroid drugs, smoking, and excessive UV exposure. We can monitor your cataracts and prescribe corrective lenses to compensate for some of the vision changes that occur. If you need cataract surgery, we will refer you to an eye surgeon and then co-manage your recovery process.

How is glaucoma treated?

Since glaucoma is typically caused by excess fluid pressure inside the eye, your Austin optometrist at our clinic will aim to regulate that pressure. Medications can reduce the fluid produced by the eye and/or enhance the drainage of that fluid. If necessary, your eye doctor can also co-manage an outpatient procedure to optimize eye drainage even further.

What are the available treatments for retinal diseases?

Retinal diseases such as macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy tend to progress in stages. Your eye doctor may recommend lifestyle adjustments and medical treatment of underlying causes in the diseases’ early stages. An advanced retinal disease that creates abnormal blood vessels may call for injected medications that arrest blood vessel formation.

Call An Optometrist Today!

Remember, eye disease management begins with early detection. Call 512-477-2282 to schedule an eye exam and get more answers from either Austin optometrist on our team!

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